2010 MSC Best Student Paper Award is given to Mr. Kai Cai at Tokyo Institute of Technology.Finalists
1) Takuya Shoji*, Shigeki Nakaura, Mitsuji Sampei, Throwing Motion Control of the Springed Pendubot Via Unstable Zero Dynamics
2) Yutaka Hori*, Shinji Hara, Tae-Hyoung Kim, Periodic Oscillations in Cyclic Repressor Networks: Analytic Existence Criteria with Biological Insight
3) Kai Cai*, Hideaki Ishii, Further Results on Randomized Quantized Averaging: A Surplus-Based Approach
4) Bernd Schmidt*, Johann Reger, H_inf-Suboptimal Tracking Control for Bilinear Power Systems with Dynamic Feedback - Theory and Experiment
To recognize excellence in a conference paper whose primary contributor(s) is a (are) Student Member(s) of the IEEE.
Award winner will receive certificate laminated on a plaque and travel expenses to the 2010 MSC, round trip restricted (minimal) coach air fare, conference registration, and three hotel nights at conference rate. Four finalists will be selected. All four finalists receive certificates and student registration.
Award is funded by the IEEE Control Systems Society.
Primary contributor(s) of a paper, who was a (were) student(s) at the time of original submission.
Basis For Judging
Originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications of control.
Award Presentation
At an MSC session or special event such as the Conference Banquet.
Nominations can be submitted via Paper Plaza. This submission must also include a letter from the student's professor (advisor), on university letterhead, certifying that primary contributor(s) to the paper was a (were) student(s) at the time of the paper's original submission. The professor's telephone, FAX and e-mail information, as well as the student(s) IEEE membership number(s), should be included. Submissions can also be sent via email or hardcopy mail by attaching the letter from the student's professor (advisor) and an electronic (pdf) copy of the nominated paper (approved by the MSC review committee). Send the package to the Chair of the MSC Best Student-Paper Committee for receipt by the announced deadline shown below.
Important Dates
Deadline for MSC Best Student Paper Award (BSPA) Nomination: | June 15, 2010 |
Notification of BSPA finalists: | July 15, 2010 |
Contact Information
Best Student Paper Award Chair
Warren Dixon
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Florida, USA
E-mail: wdixon*AT*