2010 IEEE Multi-Conference
on Systems and Control

September 8-10, 2010
Yokohama, a port city on Tokyo Bay


(CCA 2010)

The 19th IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA) brings together the international community of researchers and practitioners, both from academy and industry, to discuss the newest and more challenging control applications and their potential benefit for all the control engineering applications.

The conference welcomes paper submissions from researchers, practitioners and students, and will cover basically all topics in control techniques and applications, including, but not limited to the following:

Agricultural systems

Aerospace systems

Automotive systems

Biological and pharmaceutical processes

Biomedical systems

Chemical processes

Discrete event systems

Distributed intelligent networked systems

Fault diagnosis

Fault tolerant control

Fuzzy and neural control, Petri nets

Hybrid systems

Integrated control and supervision

Mathematical modeling

Marine systems

Mechanical systems and robotics

Mechatronic systems

Metal processing

Mining systems

Power systems

Predictive and adaptive control

Robust control

System identification

Transportation systems


Vehicular and traffic control


The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) aims to be the foremost occasion for discussion about new developments in the different computational aspects of control system design, ranging from software tools and interfaces to algorithms and computational methods. The Symposium will host a special track on Systems with Uncertainties.

The conference welcomes paper submissions from researchers, practitioners and students, and will cover basically all topics related to computational methods in systems and control, including, but not limited to the following:

Computer-Aided Design

Computer-aided system modeling; identification and simulation; computer-aided design and tuning of control systems; embedded and networked systems design and implementation.

CACSD Environments for Systems Analysis and Design

Computer toolboxes for control systems design; computer-based teaching and learning environments.

Tools for Industrial Controller Design

Rapid prototyping; real-time aspects and target specific code generation; tools for multi-disciplinary test and integration; tools for plant monitoring and tuning.

Numerical Methods for Systems and Control

Optimization-based control systems analysis and design (including linear matrix inequalities techniques); randomized algorithms in systems and control; symbolic methods for systems and control; model-order reduction techniques, soft-computing algorithms.

Numerical Methods for System Identification

Numerical methods and tools for white/grey/black box identification of linear/nonlinear systems; time series analysis; experiment design and identifiability analysis; model validation; identification for control; adaptive control and data-based controller tuning; monitoring and fault detection.

Systems with Uncertainty

Modeling and identification of uncertain systems (linear/nonlinear, time-invariant/time-varying, etc); robustness analysis (stability, performance, invariant sets, etc); robust control (controller synthesis, controller validation, etc); optimization under uncertainty.


The 25th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) provides a forum for the international community of academic and industrial researchers to discuss recent advancements in intelligent control, including innovative control algorithms and computational intelligence methodologies that enable systems to act appropriately in uncertain environments, ensuring that high performance can be achieved and maintained under adverse conditions. The symposium's focus is on techniques that respond to the current technological demand for highly sophisticated controllers for complex systems, which cannot be met by conventional approaches to control.

The conference welcomes paper submissions from researchers, practitioners and students, and will cover many topics in intelligent control, including, but not limited to the following:

Autonomous Systems

Robotics and unmanned systems; intelligent behavior generation; architectures for autonomy; autonomous manufacturing and industrial systems; planning and decision-making for autonomy; cooperative autonomous systems.

Architecture and Software for Intelligent Control

Next generation intelligent control architectures and methods; distributed embedded systems; embedded intelligent controllers.

Computational Intelligence Methods

Neural networks; fuzzy systems; genetic algorithms; probabilistic approaches.

Distributed-Information Systems

Multi-agent based planning, control and intelligence; swarm intelligence, learning and control; distributed and decentralized control; distributed intelligence; large-scale systems; multi-resolution modeling and control; cooperative control.

Hybrid Intelligent Systems

Hybrid dynamical systems control; logic control systems; pattern discovery.

Learning and Adaptive Systems

Adaptive control; machine learning; learning control systems; biologically-inspired learning.

Multi-Sensor Integration and Fusion

Smart sensors; knowledge-based sensor fusion.

Networked Systems and Control

Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks; distributed embedded systems; control of networked dynamic systems.

Reconfigurable Systems

Fault detection, identification, diagnosis, prognosis, and control.

Soft Computing and Heuristics

Artificial intelligence; expert systems; applications of computational intelligence methodologies.