Social Events
Welcome Reception
18:00-20:00, Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Conference Center 503, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA
Conference Banquet
19:00-21:00, Thursday, September 9, 2010
Intercontinental Ballroom, InterContinental YOKOHAMA THE GRAND
Closing Reception
19:00-20:30, Friday, September 10, 2010
Conference Center 503, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA
Article on MSC Preview
You can read the MSC Preview here.
Travel Agency JTB information desk will be placed in the conference site. The main possible tours are as follows.[Yokohama Area]
- Yokohama Chinatown: One of the biggest chinatowns in the world.
- Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse: These lovely red brick buildings with their original facades (about 100 years old) have been refurbished from top to bottom.
- Tokyo Tower: Claims the title of the world's highest self-supporting structure at 333m high, edging out the Effel Tower by 13m.
- Asakusa: The oldest and most popular Buddhist temple in Tokyo.
- Tsukiji market: Outer Fish Market, the "kitchen of Tokyo".
- Sumida River Cruise: 40-minute boat ride. Most important waterway for the development of Tokyo.
- Meiji Shinto Shrine: Japan's most famous Shinto shrine dedicated to the Emperor Meiji and his consort.
- Odaiba: Located in Tokyo Bay, its often called New Tokyo,and is a great spot for a romantic date.
- Kamakura (old capital):
30 min. by train from Yokohama Sta.
- Japan Tourist Organization: - Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau: - Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau:
Images: Toyko Photos © Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau

Images: Yokohama Photos © Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau